SM Group wants to become a globally recognized global 토토 사이트 바카라
토토 사이트 바카라mpany based onits rich and diverse experience, new 토토 사이트 바카라
methods, and new technologies.

토토 사이트 바카라

As a representative 토토 사이트 바카라 company in the Gangwon region, the 토토 사이트 바카라 section of Handuk has contri-

buted to the balanced development of the 토토 사이트 바카라untry, including SOC projects in the environment and energy fields.

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토토 사이트 바카라

SOC andPrivate Sector of Architecture

The 토토 사이트 바카라 section of Handuk has been reborn as a family of SM Group through the merger with Daelim 토토 사이트 바카라 Co., Ltd. in Gangwon region and, contributes to the national development through SOC business such as roads, ports, energy and environmental facilities. In addition, in the private sector, Handuk have been striving to improve the quality of life of our customers by building residential facilities such as apartments, hotels and resorts.

USFK (FED, CCK & Others)

The Handuk has been carrying out a number of 토토 사이트 바카라 projects issued by the USFK for 15 years since it acquired the qualification for the US Far East Engineers Corps (FED) bidding in 2006. In addition to the projects of U.S. Military, it is greatly contributing to the promotion of friendship between Korea and United States through the 토토 사이트 바카라 of the U.S. Embassy remodeling works and the school and auxiliary facilities work for U.S. military children in Korea.

토토 사이트 바카라

Business Introduction

  • 토토 사이트 바카라

    Based on the accumulated technology and experiences of 25 years, we will create a pleasant and affluent living place for humans through ceaseless R&D, introduction of new technologies, improvement of existing 토토 사이트 바카라 methods, and technical education and training.

  • Iron Ore Mining

    As the only iron ore mining 토토 사이트 바카라mpany in Korea, we will 토토 사이트 바카라ntribute to the development of the domestic resource business based on accumulated experiences and know-how, and further grow into a 토토 사이트 바카라mpany with the best technology in the iron ore business field.