SM Group wants to become a globally recognized global 온라인바카라
온라인바카라 based onits rich and diverse experience, new 온라인바카라
methods, and 온라인바카라 technologies.


We build a bright future with a management philosophy of respect for humans and environmental friendliness.

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Building through harmony of

human, nature and 온라인바카라chnology

Since its founding in 1989, SM Heavy Industries' 온라인바카라 Section has been oriented toward an architecture that values people and values individual happiness, preserving the environment and coexisting with nature. We are opening a beautiful future by creating new values as a premium 온라인바카라 company through the best quality and service.

Human respect &

environmental friendliness design

온라인바카라 is operated as an open organization with optimal efficiency so that a group of experts in each construction section can exert synergy. Through this, we are maximizing the value customers want based on innovation in all processes from building development, planning, design, construction, and follow-up management. Eco-friendly design, sincere construction, and continuous service maximize customer satisfaction.


Business Introduction

  • Housing

    Housing is not a simple living space, but a space that enhances the dignity of life by harmonizing residential culture, artistic sensibility, relaxation, and ties with families. 온라인바카라 considers customer happiness as the top priority and is raising the standard of residential culture.

  • 온라인바카라

    In an architecture that creates another space in a city, superior technology and quality are important. SM Heavy Industries' 온라인바카라 section is doing its best to stay one step ahead of the rapidly changing market demands. We cherish the value of the future and complete the 온라인바카라 of customer satisfaction.

  • Civil Engineering

    온라인바카라 Heavy Industries realizes the work of enhancing the future value of the country without losing nature. We propose a development direction for coexistence between nature and humans, and expand the efficient infrastructure with accumulated technology and know-how.