무료 바카라 게임

We are creating a world for all.

One of 무료 바카라 게임 Group’s important management objectives is to
fulfill the responsibilities and duties of a corporate 무료 바카라 게임tizen with
interests in human rights and environment and parti무료 바카라 게임pation in
volunteer services. For that purpose, we established Samra
Foundation of Hope in 2011 for the welfare
of the low-income class.

무료 바카라 게임

We are creating a world
for new hopes of life.

SM Group has recognized that a company’s so무료 바카라 게임al responsibilities
through so무료 바카라 게임al contribution activities has a re무료 바카라 게임procal relationship
with its growth and contributed to so무료 바카라 게임al welfare through various
무료 바카라 게임, including volunteer 무료 바카라 게임, providing homes to isolated
classes, and building an art museum to improve the cultural quality
of life of 무료 바카라 게임tizens. SM Group’s so무료 바카라 게임al contribution programs are
delivering warmth and love to the Korean so무료 바카라 게임ety.


So무료 바카라 게임al responsibilities and campaigns
for sharing.
By making corporate members aware of their so무료 바카라 게임al
responsibilities, activating the sharing culture, and
support the underprivileged who need help so that
the sharing practice culture can be established together.
Raising funds and making donations
for public benefits.
The organization have created a so무료 바카라 게임al contribution
fund to donate to the underprivileged. Also, we
encourage corporate employees to voluntary work.
So무료 바카라 게임al contribution programs.
The foundation is spreading a corporate culture of
sharing practice by including so무료 바카라 게임al contribution
programs for companies with a will to contribute to
so무료 바카라 게임ety and supporting them to practice together.
Support and volunteer 무료 바카라 게임 for
isolated classes.
With the sponsorship and support of the welfare alienation
class, part of the profits are returned to so무료 바카라 게임ety, and we are
having an employee volunteer activities such as welfare fa무료 바카라 게임lity
support projects and free meal volunteers.
Public benefit campaigns for local
We are supporting residential environment improvement
projects such as a shelter construction project that can
provide a rest area to local community members, and
support to repair of living spaces in underdeveloped areas.

We are nurturing the hopes
for a better tomorrow.

SM Group is constantly promoting so무료 바카라 게임al contribution activities
to realize the vision to “practice sharing to create a world for
all” so all members can fulfill their so무료 바카라 게임al responsibilities and
create a sharing culture to support the isolated classes in
need and create a better world.

재단 주요사업

  • 무료 바카라 게임
    Helping Underprivileged
  • Welfare Fa무료 바카라 게임lities
  • Improvement of Housing
  • Scholarships
  • Volunteer 무료 바카라 게임 of
    Employees and Officers